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My 2018 NFL Draft experience

This past 3 days in Dallas was EPIC!! Myself as well as 49 other Big crazies were selected to be in the Bucs Inner circle at this year's draft. The conversation and getting to know those ive idolized, meeting Buc fans from places other than Tampa, the pleasure of being in the beautiful Dallas area.... PRICELESS!!! This weekend was not about the Invasion or groups. It was about repping what keeps us all together. The TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS!!! I want everyone to know, our 50 Bucs fans were louder than ANY of the other teams!!! I would not trade any of these memories for anything. Seeing all the teams in sections representing  was one of the greatest moments.  Everyone  no matter what their allegiance  or their rivalries  was so nice to each other.  Don't get me wrong there was a little bit of ribbing,  like the time that our Buccaneer fans were chanting 28-3 to the Falcons as they came in, or when a few of us placed a Buccaholics sticker on the Falcons section marker. My only regret is that more Buccaneer fans could not have been there. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I am truly honored to have been part of it. My Bucs pride is at an all time high. "B-U-C-C-A-N-E-E-R-S!!!! GO BUCS"  -Superfan 


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